
개발자를 위한 CHAT GPT사용 예시 본문


개발자를 위한 CHAT GPT사용 예시

체인의정석 2023. 2. 14. 17:38


Chat GPT의 질문의 경우 일단 영어로 하는 것이 좋다.

또한 입력값 예시를 들어주면 더 완성도가 높다.


답변을 한번에 얻어내려 하지 말고 기본적인걸 시키고 결과를 보고 내가 원하는 방향으로 유도한다.


어느정도 유도가 되어서 바로 편집이 가능해지는 순간 


답변의 코드를 바탕으로 수정해서 내가 사용하면된다.

 내 질문
write javascript code with compare two array and merge which have different type of key object
챗 GPT 답변

Assuming you have two arrays of objects with different keys, and you want to merge them based on a shared identifier, you can use the following JavaScript code:

const array1 = [ { id: 1, name: 'Alice' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bob' }, { id: 3, name: 'Charlie' } ]; const array2 = [ { uid: 1, age: 30 }, { uid: 2, age: 40 }, { uid: 4, age: 50 } ]; const mergedArray = array1.map(item1 => { const matchingItem = array2.find(item2 => item2.uid === item1.id); return { ...item1, ...matchingItem }; }); console.log(mergedArray);

This code uses the map() function to iterate over the first array and find a matching item in the second array using the find() function. If a match is found, it merges the two objects using the spread operator (...). The resulting merged objects are returned as a new array, which is stored in the mergedArray variable.

Note that this code assumes that the shared identifier in the two arrays is id and uid, respectively. If your arrays have different key names, you will need to adjust the code accordingly.


내 질문 2

show us case when they have same id key and need to eliminate array2 element from array1



Sure, here's an example of how to eliminate the elements from array2 that have the same id key as the elements in array1:

const array1 = [ { id: 1, name: 'Alice' }, { id: 2, name: 'Bob' }, { id: 3, name: 'Charlie' } ]; const array2 = [ { id: 1, age: 30 }, { id: 2, age: 40 }, { id: 4, age: 50 } ]; const filteredArray1 = array1.filter(item1 => { const matchingItem = array2.find(item2 => item2.id === item1.id); return !matchingItem; }); console.log(filteredArray1);

In this code, we're using the filter() function to iterate over array1 and keep only the elements that don't have a matching id key in array2. The find() function is used to search for a matching element in array2, and the negation operator (!) is used to invert the truthiness of the matching item (which will be undefined if no match is found), so that we keep only the non-matching elements.

The resulting filtered array, containing only the elements from array1 that don't have a matching id in array2, is stored in the filteredArray1 variable.


3. 받은 답변 기준으로 코드 고치기

    const filteredArray = mergedArr.filter(item1 => {
        const matchingItem = userlist.find(item2 => {item2 == item1.변수1 || item2 == item1.변수2 });
        return !matchingItem;

